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RRC Technical Assistance Match Funding
RRC Technical Assistance (RRC TA) Match Funding is a resource available to eligible communities actively engaged in Redevelopment Ready Communities. RRC may provide funding support for projects needed to advance a community toward or maintain RRC designation. RRC TA match funding may support up to 75% of a project's cost.
To apply for funding, a community must hold:
Contact the Community Planner for your region to determine if your community is eligible to apply. Eligibility to make a request does not guarantee funding. Projects are approved on a case-by-case basis and consider other factors such as funding availability, capacity, local match, competitiveness compared to other projects requesting funding, etc.
RRC TA match funding may be used to help a community cover the cost of professional services for most items identified as unaligned in its RRC Community Snapshot. Examples include (but are not limited to):
All RRC TA match funded projects are expected to result in deliverables which meet the Certified expectations, even if the community has declared its intent to achieve the Essentials designation.
Communities who have achieved the RRC Essentials or RRC Certified designation may request RRC TA match for enhanced or implementation-focused projects pending funding availability.
Under current parameters, communities pursuing RRC Essentials may request up to $30,000 in funding and communities pursuing RRC Certified best practices may request up to $40,000.
RRC team decisions are issued weekly on Mondays and completed request form must be submitted for team review at least two business days prior to that Monday.